FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Are you in Fear or Faith? How does one know? Stop for a second and rehearse the words. How do they feel in the body? Are you in pain or peace? Faith equals light, happy, solid. Fear equals heavy, angry, uncertain. It’s okay if you realize mostly you just feel heavy, scared, and uncertain. This is no time to JUDGE. Almost every single person is acting out of fear.
Some people’s fears are health related, some are wealth related, some are even freedom related, and some people have such density that they are just now facing this fear. They need our love and compassion. It’s a fact; that’s what the Earth needs most right now. It’s time to go within and make a choice to heal, to face up to who we are inside. It’s time to get back in touch with emotion and be so fed up with feeling bad that the only choice available is to chase happiness. We need not be afraid that to face our fears will keep us fearful, because it is the act of bringing light to dark that replaces the darkness. There needs to be no condemnation of others or ourselves. We’ve been in fear, and now we can choose faith! We can choose peace; we can choose our reality. Let’s be happy.

I gotta tell you how Spirit works. Such cool stuff!

So I have this person who actively displays ugliness towards me, and I ask God;

I say, “Hey God, I don’t know why this person is all up in my grill, but help me see something good about so and so.”

I just use a first name, because well, it’s the first name that matters, and God knows- right?

Next thing I know – every single freaking person I meet has the same name!

Seriously, I am meeting someone with that name every place I go, and as I sit right here, there are two of them!

But the thing is… I like these people in front of me, and the ones I keep meeting. As far as my recent experience goes, the people with this name are hilarious and fun and friendly and nice as could be.

I promise, the minute I ask, expecting there will be a change in the way I’m able to see things, God just SHOWS OFF!

Seriously, who knew “——” would be the name of so many awesome, fabulous people that I would grow to love and appreciate?!!!

It’s like that other one simply doesn’t exist in my world. God gave me a brand new appreciation, and all I had to do was ask for it.  20/20 vision – clarity.

The world has entered uncertain times. Uncertainty is likely the biggest fear on the planet. As humans, we long to feel safe. It is in the name of safety that rules and laws are passed. Being bullied affects a victim’s perception of their own safety. It is a human’s uncanny ability for wild imagination in times of plenty or famine that has brought us all forward to this time, and to the wonderful creations in it. Laughter Yoga is one of those things! During this period of unforeseen calamity, it becomes paramount that this time must be spent witnessing our fears and clamoring to our faith. This is a moment of decision to decidedly create a better world. Now, more than ever, we must lighten up! Now, more than ever, we must choose to laugh at our fears, at our discomfort, at our situation. This is the monster under the bed, the eerie sense of doom; this entire situation with its uncertainty is exactly that great big bully called FEAR. It is time to now face this and vanquish it. There is such catharsis that comes from emitting our emotion with intentional sounds of ha ha ho he. I do hope that those who read this choose to giggle and guffaw their way to a happier outlook. Let’s find joy amidst this uncertainty.


My 19-month-old grandson pulled out all the glass vases from the cabinet. I turned the corner to find him quizzically watching me. He looked at me and said, “turkey” as he pulled out a candle holder stashed away for the autumn months. I took it as a challenge; “You gonna choose fear or faith?” One reaction resulted in no one crying, and continuing to be child-like, curious and full of wonder. The other would be to react as if the glass broke before it actually did; probably resulting in some crying, and at the very least my heart rate would have risen. If I had chosen fear, there might have even been yelling. I love how they are always looking to see how big a deal we make things. I learn so much from these littles. It wasn’t a big deal. He got to learn how to put vases away. Nothing broke. I got to savor that I can always choose my reaction. I recommend playing – really engaging – with children in a, “just roll with their imagination kind of way.” We cannot be in a state of stress and choose play. We must choose play and laughter first, with the intention to flow with ease when attending to our emotional states, staying focused on happiness.